We didn’t want to use a chemical-based toilet as we don’t like the idea of throwing all those chemicals in it, and then be limited to where you can dump it. Jon didn’t like the idea of building one ourselves so we searched the internet for nice-looking composting toilets.
We found it in the UK.
They make toilet-looking toilets, complete with buckets for the front and the back so you can empty things out easily. They are called Simploo and they were very kind to ship one out to use in Australia. It didn’t even take that long to arrive here. Certainly a lot faster than our fridge from Italy.
It looks great and we have found a great home for it inside the palace. As we need to slide it out to use it, we mounted it onto a base, covered it with felt (the same stuff you put under the feet of your chairs if you have a wooden floor) and put it in position. We even added a handle to the base so we can easily pull it out.

and here it is, we have now also added a handle to the front of the base so it is much easier to pull it out for use