Moving from Adelaide to Perth
A very smooth move!
We arrived in Perth on Monday 16th of March, picked up our rental car and drove straight to our house… waking up the neighbours who thought we were burglars!
The next day we both went to work, Jude for the first time in a year back to a normal commute, after a fantastic breakfast thanks to Pete, Troye, Mark, Muz and Jake! They had left us a surprise at the front door! What an awesome way to come home!
Wednesday we had lunch with Eugenie and around 3pm Jude picked up the keys of our new home! Eugenie had a look at the empty house with Jude (who saw the house for the first time that day!) and Helen and Geoff with Oscar & Georgia came around for a champagne toast after work.

Geoff, Helen and Oscar and Georgia come over to the new house with champagne. It’s nice to move somewhere where we already know people!
The next day (Thursday) the truck arrived with all our stuff and after unloading the lot they left at 2pm. Leaving Jude with lots and lots of boxes… That night we moved all the big furniture to its final position so the unpacking could begin. That was Friday. The kitchen took most time (from 8 in the morning until 3pm!), but the rest of the boxes disappeared quickly. Jon helped with the last boxes that night and that was pretty much everything done!
A few weeks later our spa is working too!!! Yeah! Now we can enjoy winter evenings with friends in our spa (after some paddles hopefully). Not sure how often we will use it but it is well and truly pimped up now 😉