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Tetris (formerly known as packing boxes into a small storage unit)

Posted on 28 Feb 2013 | 2 comments

After loading Lara it was time to pack up the house and try to fit it all inside an 11m2 storage unit. After a week of packing two strong looking guys helped us with the ‘big’ things and the next day (Friday 15 Feb) it was our turn. Jon had the day off work so he could drive the truck.

It took us 3 trips to the storage unit (it was a small truck), but most of the time was spent trying to fit things in. Instead of moving the full boxes into storage we unpacked them to make use of all the cupboard space available. It felt like we were playing a life-sized game of Tetris! After many, many hours playing Tetris we could finally tick off another big thing off our ‘todo’ list as we closed the doors to the storage unit with only a few cm to spare.

On the Thursday before the move we had already moved to Marjolein’s place (thanks for letting us stay at your place M!!) which is just across the cemetery from our place, so we hosted the last Tuesday night run there. We will definitely miss those!

The last days in Brisbane are a little bit of a blur as we were running around like chooks without heads trying to sort all the usual last minute jobs, mixed in with plenty of leaving drinks, but we managed to do (almost) everything on our list.

In case you are planning to do a trip like this, you should expect a list of approximately 200 jobs to do which never seems to get any smaller, no matter how many you tick off…

Here are some photos of the various stages of Tetris:

our mini mover

our mini mover

only the big things are in and it is full!

only the big things are in and it is full!

hanging bike off the ceiling

hanging bike off the ceiling

now it's full! but we did manage to squeeze a few more things in)

now it’s full! but we did manage to squeeze a few more things in)

We’ll post a few more blog posts in the next few days as we have excellent wifi now with Sal & Ais (woohooooo, it’s awesome to catch up with great friends after so many years!).


  1. ziet er vol uit, knap gedaan! In plaats van Tetris moest ik eigenlijk eerder denken aan zo’n plastic puzzle bestaande uit 8 stukjes die in zo’ plastic houdertje van 9 zitten, je kunt er iedere keer 1 verplaatsen ….
    Wanneer is nu de echte start? Ik dacht eerlijkgezegd dat jullie al op weg waren 🙁
    Komende zaterdag gaan we bakkie doen bij je pa en ma, horen we vast wel meer details.
    Fijne reis en we houden het in de gaten.
    groetjes van allemaal

  2. Hi globetrotters, een aardige ambiance om in de stemming te komen! Hoe zijn jullie gevoelens nu het uur van vertrek zo dichtbij komt? Nu een gevoel van “Waar zojn we aan begonnen!?” en op het moment van vertrek: “Eindelijk!!” Ik denk dat het mij zo zou vergaan. Hoe dan ook: alle goeds en een voorspoedige reis met heel veel ver- en bewondering! Liefs en een dikke groet! X! Annie en Theo.

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